I rolled into Dumont early Friday morning. The road was in great shape.
I always get super pumped when I see this pulling in.
The place was pretty empty as expected. Lou B, Randog & Ed were already there. Ben rolled in right behind me.
I did a little ATC maintenance.
The 5 of us plus Lindsay B on her quad went out for a morning cruise. The weather was gorgeous.
There were some fighter jets flying way up high through the sky. There were various contrails and even some loud booms either from the sonic booms or maybe some testing out west.
When we got back to camp Robt & Rick had showed up. Later in the day we got ready for a dune run but thanks to Randog’s keen eye he clued him in on a little issue before we went out.
Rick swapped the tires to the correct direction.
Lou B took the ATC for a rip.
We headed out and stopped on the sunset lookout on the way back and hung out for a bit.
Love empty weekends.
Once we got back to camp, we all made some dinner while Sophie ate some firewood.
Time to make the buggies glow!
Saturday morning…time for some breakfast
My car was running great but everyone was still concerned or something. They were swarmed around it like a pit crew! ???
Duning on Saturday
Lou got a little surprise on a razorback. Luckily he landed it without any issue. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
ATC fun with Randog
Came up on my buddy, Howard, out in the dunes.It was almost a close call.
Photobombed by my shadow.
Randog pulled sick wheelie and got me pumped up and laughing about it.
Big group of side x sides passing by.
Ben busted out his scales and we weighed the buggies.
Randog, 1675 lbs
Chad, 2450 lbs
Ed, 1950
Rob, about 3K!
This was the most shocking. 4 seat RZR, 1977 lbs! WOW that’s awful. lol
I spotted a huge group of people hiking up the dunes. ?
More duning pics…
Duning behind Randog. The sun was at a great angle.

Duning on the way back.
The moon was full and bright!
The sky was awesome. So out came the tripod and camera.
We watched Supercross on the big screen projected on Chad’s trailer. Supercoross at the dunes is the best.
At 2 AM the moon was straight up above us. There were no clouds left in the sky. We could see the dunes almost as clear as day. It was so bright we were tempted to go duning!
Chad spotted a log that looked like…big wood & balls. haha
Chillen after Supercoss listening to tunes.
I tried the old steel wool long exposure trick but the steel wool didn’t want to burn. Better luck next time.
Sunday was chill. Lou & Ben got another run in around 8 AM while the rest of us slept in. Later in the day we got some more duning in. It was so gorgeous out. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and it was a really nice temperature.
Towards the end of the day we cruised up to memorial hill and visited our friend, Bert’s, memorial. I made sure there was still a Pepsi up there and dropped off a cookie.
I had my GPS running all weekend and although I knew we got a ton of duning in, I was shocked to see we duned almost 100 miles. 98.4 miles to be exact. We layed down some tracks that weekend!
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